Spencer Horowitz is an accredited investor and corporate advisor with 30+ years experience building brands and raising capital for technology companies

His clients include company founders and C-suite executives at dozens of early-stage technology innovators and global enterprises, including GE, Mitsubishi, Autodesk, and the Swedish Government. 

His client services include researching and authoring business plans, preparing market forecast models and pro forma financial statements, coaching clients on venture capital solicitation, and advising clients on strategic communications.

Spencer began his career in microchip design at Bell Labs, later serving in corporate marketing and market research roles at Intel and National Semiconductor. As a business development executive for venture-backed startup Zoran, he launched new technology products and negotiated joint development and technology licensing agreements with multi-national partners throughout East Asia.


An active member of the Silicon Valley community, Spencer was appointed by the San Jose City Council to serve on the city's Small Business Development and Airport Commissions. In 2018 the Santa Clara County Water District appointed Spencer to the Board of Directors of the Public Facilities Financing Corporation

In 2019, by unanimous vote of the San Jose City Council, Spencer was appointed Trustee of the city’s $3 billion employee pension plan. In 2021, 2022 and 2023 Spencer was elected Board Chair by his fellow Trustees.


Spencer earned his BS in Computer Science from Kean College, and his MBA in Finance and Economics from the Kellogg Graduate School at Northwestern University.


spencer (at) kelloggalumni.northwestern.edu